Published on March 13, 2005 By Winmodify In Websites
Hi all...

My name is Roeland, I'm the admin of a small skinning website.
Our website is going to some changes which will make it more easy for people to browse etcetera.
Im always busy updating it and adding new things.

My question is, What does a good skinning website needs..?
What do you think is neccesary to make it a good skinning website?, so you want to visit often
and upload your newest skins and maybe news etc..

Thanks in advance

on Mar 13, 2005
on Mar 13, 2005
oh and an url.....
on Mar 14, 2005
User interaction, skins, news, and an active forum. That's what I look for anyhow
on Mar 14, 2005
Well, Wincustomize is a perfect example of a good Skinning site, along with a few of the artists sites that are members of WC, for example, Skinartistry and Skinplant are 2 decent skinners sites..

Go look and see what they have to offer, look around WC and take notice of they way it is set-up

If you want a perfect example of a poor site..go to ThemeXP, that will make you sick..LoL.
