Offline time...
Published on September 10, 2005 By Winmodify In WinCustomize News

Dear Visitors,

Some of y'all may wonder what happened with our skinning website
We have experienced (and still have) big problems with our webhost. Our website was offline for about 2 weeks, and I lost (pretty much) of our daily 600 unique visits .I did my best to re-obtain the domainname and luckilly it's back in my control again. Since today our website is online again and working. Unfortunally this probably will be temporary. We will go to another webhost as soon as possible, so that we can return better than ever... with the new and revised WinModify. News and updates regarding to our website can be read at our forum over at my other website

Please bear with us while we're going trough this tough time, we hope to be back as soon as possible


on Sep 10, 2005
on Sep 11, 2005
I don't think this belongs at the startpage of wincustomize.
on Sep 11, 2005
Why don't you think that c242? It's really just to inform the people who visit my website, and a lot of people from here also visit my website, so I thought this is just the place to do that.
on Sep 11, 2005
i know i'm going to get flamed for this but i have to agree with c242 on this one. the issues with have nothing to so with wincustomize, stardock, or skinning in general. i feel for ya having to endure issues with your host, tho. a thread concerning this in the forum would have been more appropriate, in my opinion.
on Sep 11, 2005
You're not going to be flamed about this, I respect your opinion, I just think this concerns skinners and people interested in skinning.
on Sep 11, 2005
I agree. As a website owner myself who hopes many here and on devinat art join up, this is more of a update on a site rather than site news or anything. It would make a great article though, but not front page news.

Front page news is:
Skinning news... maybe a new site opening, tech news, a fabulous new skin pack, talking about user activities on this site, or a new skinning program.

... speaking of a news site opening up....
on Sep 11, 2005
Ok, Might such a thing happen again (I hope not) I will make a item at the forum instead of a news-item..
on Sep 12, 2005
Just think about it a moment : What if everyone and his grandma starts to inform people (interested or not) about issues with their website at the frontpage news of Wincustomize ?